About 'Being a Lion'

Membership of a Lions Club is not lightly bestowed.

Lions Club of Moorabbin in a member club of Lions Clubs International:   the world’s largest and most active service organization, with more than 1.4 million service minded people  more that 42 thousand clubs in 206 countries around the world.

Members would be  aware of the Purposes and Ethics of our organization, and the work that Lions do both locally and internationally.

The privilege of Lions membership brings with it definite obligations. 

Lions Clubs International is not a political, nor religious organization.  It is a group of people, banded together to do things that you and I cannot do as individuals.

The motto of our Association, and of this Club is –    “We Serve”

As a new member  progresses in Lions they discover the great satisfaction that comes from sharing in our efforts.

Here is what is expected of a member.

The Lions Pledge: