Tree Planting

Karkarook Park is our favorite place for planting trees.  Over the years, Community Planting Days have been arranged by  Friends of Karkarook Park and Lions, and together (under the watchful eye of Parks Victoria),  hundreds of thousands of grasses, shrubs and trees, native to the region have been planted.  

The sand mine  1994
Leased to Boral Quarries for sand extraction on condition that the land be rehabilitated to parkland

Community Planting Days
Parks Victoria, Friends of Karkarook Park,  Lions Clubs and family groups,
Scouting groups and School groups all have a hand in planting over the years

Feeding the workers!
Lions Club of Clarinda, together with Moorabbin Lions supply a sausage sizzle including hamburgers and vegetarian option!

Financial Support
Lions Club of Moorabbin have donated to Friends of Karkarook Park for the purchase of propagating supplies etc.