Lions Wilderness Village Licola - Our Club's Involvement

Lions Sponsored Camps

Wholly owned by Lions Clubs of Victoria and Southern NSW, the village is a self sustaining project, both environmentally and financially, providing life forming and life changing experiences for young (and not so young) people from diverse backgrounds..

Open for commercial bookings from schools, sporting groups, family gatherings etc, Lions Village Licola holds all the required certifications and is a multiple winner of Tourist Industry Awards.

Five or six weeks each year, the full camp is set aside for 'Lions Sponsored Camps'. Lions Clubs from all over Victoria and southern NSW sponsor disadvantaged children to a five day camp. Read more by clicking the button at the top of this page.

There exists the opportunity for Lions to be directly involved with Lions Sponsored Camps as 'group leaders', camp 'grandparents' (usually age dependent!) maintenance crews, working bees etc. or on the Committee of Management.

Currently Moorabbin Lions confine themselves to the sponsorship side of things.